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Sleipnir Lokison

Quick Facts

  • Birthday: April 22

  • Height: 5'10"

  • Forms: Asgardian, Eight-legged horse

  • Hair: Black fading out to brown, Ivy League cut

  • Eyes: Hazel

  • Special Abilities: Extra strength/agility, invulnerability, create and control portals/rifts in space

  • Weapon(s): Double Viking Longswords

  • Personality: Introvert, shy around new people, hates large crowds, quiet, self-conscience, reliant

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Armour: Asgardian, navy blue and silver, navy blue cape

  • Aura: Navy Blue

  • Other: Vegetarian



Sleipnir was born as the oldest child out of four in the realm of Asgard to Loki (mother, in the form of a horse) and an unnamed horse (father). He grew up in the royal stables near the palace of Asgard. Always a passionate scholar, Sigyn loved to learn and was rarely found without a book in hand, even at a young age. Shortly after his younger sister’s (Hela) birth, Sleipnir and his siblings were cursed by Odin to forget who they were. Sleipnir believed that he was a normal horse (with eight legs) and was used by Odin as the king’s faithful steed. Sleipnir was prized by Odin because of Sleipnir’s impressive strength and speed, as well as intelligence.


Sleipnir strives to see others' points of view before making assumptions. He is trusting and caring, taking care of his younger siblings after reuniting with them. He is a natural-born leader, even though he prefers to let others take the reins. Shy and patient, it takes a lot to upset Sleipnir. However, if anyone messes with his siblings or hurts his family and friends, he is capable of fighting, either verbally or physically. His trusting attitude does sometimes land him in trouble, due to assuming that everyone is kind and compassionate as him. Still, with the help of his younger siblings, he has toughened up while still keeping his patience and kindness.


Even though he prefers to find diplomatic solutions and compromise in fights, Sleipnir is mostly self-taught to defend himself. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and the ability to create portals/rifts in space, Sleipnir boasts the strength, speed, and agility to hold his own in a battle. If provoked, Sleipnir has proven himself to be a worthy warrior.


Any story that Sleipnir is a character or mentioned in that I post on AO3, Fanfiction, and Wattpad.



Loki (bio mother)
Unnamed Horse (bio-father)


Other Family & Friends

Bucky Barnes (honorary uncle)
Uncle Thor
Grandma Frigga
Pietro Maximoff


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